Conservation characterization and utilization of genetic resources in seed spices |
1. |
CI/19.1.1: Management of plant genetic resources of seed spices: (PI: R.S. Meena; Co-PI: S.N. Saxena, S.S. Meena, A.K.Verma and N.K. Meena; 2019-24) |
Genetic improvement of seed spices for improving productivity, quality and tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses |
2. |
CI/15.2.3: Identification of molecular marker associated with stem gall in coriander: (PI: S. Choudhary, Co-PI: R.D. Meena: 2015-21) |
3. |
CI/16.2.1: Breeding for dwarfism and Ramularia blight resistance/tolerance in fennel: (PI: R.S. Meena; Co-PI: R. D. Meena, S. Choudhary, N. K. Meena, S.N.Sexana; 2016-21) |
4 . |
CI/16.2.2: Breeding for yield and quality in celery: (PI: R. S. Meena; Co-PI: S. Choudhary, N. K. Meena, A. K. Verma, R. D. Meena, Ravi Y. (on study leave); 2016-21) |
5. |
CI/18.2.1: Genetic improvement of cumin for higher yield and wilt resistance: (PI: A.K. Verma; Co-PIs: Y.K. Sharma: 2018-22) |
6. |
CI/18.2.2: Screening of fennel and cumin genotypes for salinity stress : (PI: S.N. Saxena; Co-PIs: Ravi Y. (on study leave), O.P. Aishwath, R.S. Meena and Vasundhara sharma, 2018-21) |
7. |
CI/18.2.3:Transcriptome-based mining of genes and pathways related to disease (Ramularia blight) and quality (secondary metabolites) in fennel: (PI: S. Choudhary: Co-PIs: A.K. Verma, and M.B.N. Naika: 2018-21) |
8. |
CI/20.2.1: Breeding for high yield and quality in ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi L.) and nigella (Nigella sativa L.): (PI: S.S. Meena: Co-PIs: Y.K. Sharma, M.D. Meena, N. Chaudhary and N.K. Meena; 2020-25) |
Development and refinement of efficient crop production technologies of seed spices |
9. |
CPd/16.3.2: Standardization of two tier system of production technology in seed spices with vine vegetables using bower: (PI: R. Singh; Co-PI: G. Lal, K. Kant and R.D. Meena; 2016-21) |
10. |
CPd/17.3.1: Bioprospecting multitrait bacteria with abiotic stress tolerance from cumin and coriander soil: (PI: B.K. Mishra: 2017-21) |
11. |
CPd/17.3.2: Nutrient requirement of minor seed spices (Celery and Ajwain) and their management: (PI: O P Aishwath; Co-PI: S.N. Saxena and R. Singh 2017-22) |
12. |
CPd/17.3.3: Surveying major growing area of cumin and coriander for soil parameters: (PI: O.P. Aishwath; Co-PI: M.K. Vishal (on study leave), M.D. Meena, Ravi Y., Narendra Choudhry and Chetan Kumar Jangid; 2017-22) |
13. |
CPD/18.3.1: Seed spices based cropping system for sustainable livelihood security: (PI:Narendra Choudhary; Co-PIs:R. Singh, M.D. Meena and Shiv Lal; 2018-23) |
14. |
CPD/20.3.1: Biopriming in seed spices (coriander, cumin, fennel and ajwain) for enhanced seedling growth and yield: (PI: B.K. Mishra: Co-PIs: S.N. Saxena, Y.K. Sharma and Krishan Kant; 2020-23) |
15. |
CPD/20.3.2: Resiliency assessment of minor seed spices (Ajwain, Nigella and Celery) to edapho-climatic stresses for sustained production: PI: O.P. Aishwath: Co-PIs: Shiv Lal, Vasundhara Sharma and Chetan Kumar Jangid; 2020-25) |
Development and refinement of efficient crop protection technologies for production of safe seed spices |
16. |
CPt/17.4.1: Epidemiology and management of root rot disease of ajwain and nigella: (PI: Y.K. Sharma; Co-PI: K. Kant, 2017-21) |
17. |
CPt/17.4.2: Bioefficacy of new molecules of fungicides for the management of Alternaria blight disease of cumin and fenugreek: (PI: Y.K. Sharma; 2017-21) |
18. |
CPt/17.4.3: Biological management of Alternaria blight in cumin (Cuminum cyminum): (PI: R.D. Meena; Co-PI: B.K. Mishra, 2017-21) |
19. |
CPt/17.4.4: Development of IPM modules to combat aphids and thrips in coriander and cumin : (PI:N. K. Meena; Co-PI: Ravindra Singh, M.D. Meena : 2017-21) |
20. |
CPt/19.4.1: Survey and surveillance of seed spices diseases: (PI: R.D. Meena; Co-PI: Y.K. Sharma, M.D. Meena and Narendra Chaudhary; 2019-24) |
21. |
CPt/20.4.1: Studied of new botanical formulations on insect-pest management in seed spices: PI: Krishan Kant: Co-PIs: B.K. Mishra and S.R. Meena; 2020-23) |
22. |
CPt/20.4.2: Development of IPM strategies to combat pests complex of fenugreek: PI: N.K. Meena: Co-PIs: Krishan Kant, Shiv Lal and S.R. Meena; 2020-24) |
Development and refinement of post-harvest handling, processing and value addition techniques in seed spices |
23. |
BS/18.5.1: Development of value chain for fennel: (PI:ShivLal; Co-PIs: G. Lal, S.N. Saxena and B.K. Mishra, 2018-23) |
24. |
BS/19.5.1: Plant extracts analysis of seed spices for bioactive phytochemicals and its utilization in developing health promoting Nutraceutical products: (PI: S.N. Saxena; Co-PI: B.K. Mishra and Shiv Lal; 2019-22) |
25. |
BS/20.5.1: Development of process technologies for seed spice waste based fortified products for product diversification: PI: Shiv Lal: Co-PIs: S.N. Saxena, O.P. Aishwath and B.K. Mishra; 2020-25) |
Improving knowledge and skill of stakeholders for improving productivity of seed spices |
26. |
SS/20.6.1: Marketing and value addition analysis of major seed spices: (PI: M.D. Meena: Co-PIs: B.K. Mishra, Krishna Kant and S.S. Meena; 2020-2023) |